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Trofèprislista - Sydafrika - Antilopjakt hos E-Zulu

Trofèprislista 2024 (USD)

Bavian  490
Barbary sheep 4.950
Blesbok 690
Blesbok, silver 790
Blesbok, white 690
Blesbok, yellow 790
Bontebok  1.990
Buffel, under 40”  9.990
Buffel, 40-45" 16.990
Buffel, 45" and over  28.990
Buffel ko  1.800
Bushbuck 1.490
Bushpig 980
Duiker, blue 2.500
Duiker, grey 690
Eland  3.490
Dovhjort  790
Gemsbuck / Oryx  1.890
Gemsbuck / Oryx Golden 4.990
Giraf 4.990
Cape Grysbuck 3.790
Impala  690
Impala, black 3.990
Impala, white flanked 4.990
Sjakal  290
Klipspringer 3.200
Kudu  2.490
Lynx  1.690
Muflon 3.950
Nyala 3.290
Oribi  4.500
Struts 850
Porcupine  590
Red Hartebeest 1.390
Red Lechwe 3.590
Reedbuck, common  2.590
Reedbuck, mountain 650
Roan Antelope 8.990
Sable, up to 40"  5,990
Sable, 40-44" 8.990
Sable, 45" and over 15.990
Springbuck, black 690
Springbuck, cape 590
Springbuck, copper 1.490
Springbuck, white 1.490
Steenbuck 690
Vaal Rhebuck 2.290
Vervet Monkey 290
Vårtsvin 850
Waterbuck 2.590
Wildebeest, black 1.290
Wildebeest, blue  1.690
Wildebeest, golden 3.990
Zebra  1.690


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