Practical information for Zambia

Visa is required for most European citizens travelling to Zambia. Visa can be issued at the time of arrival to Zambia. The visa costs US$ 50,- and please make sure, that you have the exact amount
ready in cash. We recommend that you also check it with the Zambian embassy in your own country.

It is of course also important that you have a valid passport. The passport has to be valid for at least 6 months at the time of departure from Zambia.

We recommend vaccination against infectious hepatitis (hepatitis A), yellow fever, diphtheria and malaria. Please also contact your own physician some time before the trip to find out, what vaccinations etc are either required or recommended for Zambia at the present time. Very important is to bring your vaccination documentation when travelling in to Zambia.

The local currency is Kwacha. 100 Kwacha = 17 US$ (July 2014). This is the official rate of exchange. In Zambia you will find both official and unofficial rates of exchange. The unofficial rate of exchange can be 4-5 times better than the official. Most international credit cards are accepted at hotels and in shops but not at all safaris lodges.

All relevant documents and tickets will be forwarded 10-14 days before the beginning of the trip.

Even though the camp is fairly well equipped with a first aid kit, we would still recommend that you bring medicine, ordered by your own doctor, as well as: tablets for headache and diarrhoea, suntan oil, insect spray and eye drops.

You will find electricity on most hotels, lodges and camps – 220 volt. Please note that Zambia has other plugs than in Europe and we therefore recommend that you bring an adapter.

If wished, we can be helpful with a cancellation and travel insurance on your behalf.

From our hunters we are very interested in receiving photos, which possibly can be used in connection with marketing. If your pictures are used in the catalogue, you will receive € 65,- (not per photo). The amount will be credited your Limpopo Travel account and may be used on your next trip.

Problem solving:
If, contrary to expectations, any problem should arise during your stay, which you feel unable to solve yourself, please contact us either by phone +45 62 20 25 40, or by fax +45 62 20 25 42
during office hours (Mon-Fri 09.00-17.00). It is too late to correct any misunderstanding or fault after your return home. Therefore it is vital that you contact us immediately, if problems arise, in
order that we may correct any misunderstanding on the spot. It is only possible for us to react on complaints brought to our attention immediately and entered into the protocol.

24 hours Phone:
Limpopo Travel have established an telephone service, whereby our clients can reach us 24 hours a day - 7 days a week - and talk to a competent member of our staff. Please feel free to use this line, when absolutely necessary, but please also avoid any unnecessary calls. ++45 30 26 25 40.

After your Return:
We are always happy to hear from you, after you have returned home. It is of great importance for us to know, what happens “out there”. This is the only way, we can develop and possibly improve
our hunting tours. Therefore - whether you wish to praise or criticize - please let us hear from you!

We hope that the above information answers some of the many questions, which you will naturally have before the trip. Should you need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Hunting in Zambia

Hunting Season:
In Zambia it is allowed to hunt the whole year, but because of the rainy season the hunt is best from April to November.

Successful hunting:
The safari company points out that despite the very good hunting districts, the best possible equipment, and the skilled and professional hunters, trackers, and skinners, the weather, the wind,
your luck as well as individual abilities will always influence the result. HUNTING IS HUNTING! A good physical condition is recommendable, and so is some rifle practising.

We recommend you to bring a medium calibre rifle (7-8 mm f.inst. .30-06) for Antelopes and cats. Minimum allowed calibre in Zambia is 7 mm and for thick-skinned game 9 mm. Many hunters find
that .375 magnum is a very good all-round rifle, both for small and big game. We recommend a scope with 4-6 x enlargements. Bring soft bullets for everything except elephants. We recommend
that you use ammunition with premium bullet (TXP, Swift A-frame, Oryx Rhino and so on).

The rifle should be carried in a solid hard case. Ammunition and bolt must not be carried in the rifle case. The bolt must be checked in with other baggage (not hand baggage).

PLEASE NOTE; it is no longer legal to transport ammunition in original packing through Johannesburg. All ammunition must be kept in a lockable metal ammunition box to be checked in separately with own baggage tag.

We would recommend you to bring 40 rounds of ammunition. Shooting range 100 m. Please bring your EU weapon passport if you are an EU citizen.

For daily use while in the field, we would suggest that you bring a soft rifle case to protect the rifle.

Clothes etc.:
In general, we would recommend lightweight clothing, either made of cotton or similar fabric, which allows the body to “breathe”. June to September is winter in Zambia. The night and morning temperature can therefore be rather low, so we would recommend that you bring an wollen cardigan or sweater.

Furthermore we recommend the following:

  • 1 pair of long trousers
  • 1 pair of long-sleeved shirts
  • 2 pair of shorts
  • 2 pair of short-sleeved shirts
  • 1 pair of hunting boots (well-worn)
  • 1 pair of slippers (to use in camp)
  • 1 “bush jacket”
  • 2 sets of underwear
  • 2 pair of socks
  • 1 hat with a wide brim
  • 1 pair of sunglasses
  • 1 lighter
  • 1 pocket knife
  • 1 camera
  • 1 torch (with extra batteries)
  • 1 pair of binoculars

Please do not bring too much; there is a laundry service.

The Hunt:
You will be roused before dawn and the hunt normally lasts until sundown. Lunch is either taken at the camp or in the field. The car has a well-supplied box of food and beverage. Because of the very
thick vegetation in certain areas, you must be prepared to shoot rather quickly. The trophies will be prepared in the camp, ready for transportation. The Safari Company will take care of all formalities
regarding the export of the trophies. Always make sure that the capes of the individual trophies are also packed.

Important - wounded game = shot game!

Trophy Import:
If you wish to hunt game, protected by the Washington Convention, you should contact your local authorities PRIOR to departure regarding any necessary formalities in connection with the import to
your own country.

The responsibility for these formalities rests solely on the hunter, and we would recommend that you either contact a taxidermist or a shipping agent.
During the last couple of years, the rules and formalities concerning trophy import have been tightened up. The whole area regarding trophies has become more complicated, and we have heard
about hunters whose trophies were confiscated in customs because some permits or formalities were not satisfactory. For certain game species it is of crucial importance that advance import licence has been applied for PRIOR to departure; otherwise the trophy will be rejected.

We therefore strongly recommend that you contact either a taxidermist or maybe even better a forwarding agent in due time before your hunting trip, also in case you intend to bring home the
trophies yourself.

It is always difficult to give an exact amount, because it depends on your satisfaction with the guides and staff. Nevertheless tipping of Camp Staff is expected and hereby we give some
guidelines: For the whole camp Staff we suggest that you give US$ 500,- and US$ 500,- to the professional hunter per week per hunter.

Old clothes and bags etc are also very popular with the natives.

Hunting Protocol:
When the Safari is over, a protocol must be made and signed by each participant. It is imperative that any complaints be entered into this protocol, since otherwise they cannot be dealt with.


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