Practical information for Poland

Your flight tickets and itinerary will be send approx. 10 days before departure.

Passport, drivers license, vehicle registration certificate, vehicle insurance papers, national weapon permit, and European firearms passport.
IMPORTANT: If you take your own car you have to remember to drive with min. dipped headlights 24 hours a day.

Zlotty. You can import ulimited amounts of Polish currency. Amounts with a value of over € 2,000 must be declared.

As ticket agents for the various Cross-channel ferry companies, we would be glad to help British or overseas hunters arrange boat transportation, issue tickets, and make reservations to either Hamburg in Germany of Rotterdam in Holland. We can, of course, also assist with booking flight tickets if you prefer to fly to Poland. If you live in Europe, we can help with transfer permits if you travel using your own car, or help with transportation, if you choose to use public transport. A detailed itinerary giving departure and arrival times will be sent to you approx 10 days before your departure.

A Polish guide (interpreter) will assist you during your entire stay in Poland. It is up to you, whether you would prefer to meet the guide in the hunting district or at another pre-arranged meeting-point, which is easy for both of you to find(i.e. a hotel,  market place or similar). Groups booked on driven and small driven hunts are kindly requested to arrive in the district during the afternoon, on the day before the first day hunting.

Since Poland ]oined the EU on May 1st 2004, it is no longer necessary to obtain a Polish weapon permit. The hunter only needs to being his /her European firearm passport. Remember to check that it is still valid and that the information on it is correct.

You need to being your European firearms passport and the Polish "white voucher". This voucher documents that you are going on a legal hunt in Poland. Without it you will be denied entry into Poland with your rifle. LIMPOPO will send this voucher to you together with your final travel documentation.

Please note that our travel and cancellation insurance also includes hunting liability . Since hunting liability insurance is required for all hunting travel in Europe, you must have such an insurance policy. We assume that you have a valid hunting licence, which is a condition for you being covered by the insurance. Please read the enclosed brochure. If you need to cancel, you will receive an credit note to the value of the price of the trip.

For those, who are only allowed to take out cancellation insurance (for example American citizens), please make shure you take out hunting liability insurance yourself.

This insurance is compulsory and costs Euro 40,-. Please be aware that it is only a 3rd party inhurance. IMPORTANT: In the case of personal injury LIMPOPO must report the incident to the insurance company within 24 hours, in the case of damageto property e.g. dogs within 5 days. It is therefore very important that you report to us well within these time limits.

A prerequisite for a successful hunting trip is that your equipment, fitness, weapons and marksmenship skills are in good order. It is also important to have a good theoretical knowledge of the hunt you are participating in. Last but not least, it is too late to learn how to shoot when, for instance, you are on your point on a driven hunt and the wild boar are running past your position at full speed. Your rifle or the shot gun must be in 100% working order. They must be checked, the rifle must carefully calibrated ("shot -in") and the scope coizectly mounted. In Poland it is forbidden to shoot stags with a calibre smaller than 6.5 and we recommend using a heavy bullet. But for roebucks we recommend a calibre of .08W or 30.06 or similar if you plan to also shoot wild boar.

The Polish rules are as follows:
ROE DEER: At a distance of 100 metres the bullet must have an impact energy of 1,000 joules. OTHER GAME: At a distance of 100 metres the bullet must have an impact energy of 2,000 joules.

You must be ptepated to shoot from a longer range than that you might be accustomed to. Distances of 150—200 metres are not unusual. These distances miight appeal long, but if you know your rifle and you have good scope mounted, then it is possible to make a secure shot from these distances. It can often be difficult to get closer to a roebuck, which often will be in one of the large meadows, that makes hunting in Poland so magnificent.

On your hunt you will always have a local “stalker” with you. Even if the local stalkers only speak Polish, they usually know the most important hunting terms in German of English. However you quickly learn how to communicate with them using gestures or facial expressions. The hunting sucesses depends largerly on your stalker, for this your stalker will expect a small tip for a job well done, approx. € 15—25 per day.

It has been determined by law that all hunts must be reported to the police not later than 7 days before the beginning of the hunt — stating the exact dates lot the hunt and the address of the accommodation. This means that unannounced inspections can occur. They will not only want to check if all your papers are in order, but they will also check if the hunters are hunting with alcohol in their blood. The permitted level of alcohol in your blood when driving in Poland is 0.0%, and the same goes for carrying a rifle.

A fixed price arrangement means that you have bought an arrangement where you have, in advance, paid for accommodation, hunting, and trophy fees, together with the right to hunt the agreed number of game. This means that you know the total price of your hunt, as well as the total number of game you are allowed to shoot,  before the departure. On certain arrangements, you will be refunded for game not grassed/wounded. On fixed price arrangements, a protocolled wounding counts as a kill. For driven hunts, shooting cull- animals is usually free of charge for the hunters.

If you have booked a price list arrangement, this will be clearly stated on your booking confirmation. A basic price including stay and accommodation will figure on your confirmation. Additionally you will be charged a deposit for your trophy fees. Both amounts must be paid to us before departure. Between 1 ½ and 3 months after your return from Poland, we receive a statement from Poland, and based on this, we shall prepare a final invoice for your “trophy fee account”. If your deposit was higher than this ammount, you will immediately receive a refund. However if the deposit paid was lower, you will receive an invoice which you are requested to pay within 8 days of receipt. With regard to the wounding of an animal on a price list arrangement: Please see our price list.
SHOOTING: In Poland they always aim a complying with the hunters’ wishes as closely as possible. However, on rare occasions, it may not be possible to shoot certain game animals because of the selective shooting policies in place.

To get the best possible result from your hunt, it is important use a rifle scope that can be used in low-light conditions, preferably with a well-marked cross. A telescopic scope with variable magnifying capacity is recommendable but not compulsory. Your binoculars should also be suited to low light conditions.

The Polish authorities have introduced a system of charges for game shot during the close season. The charges are as follows:
Red deer zloty 5.800,-
+ 2.000,- zloty for a trophy up to 5,5 kg
+ 7.000,- zloty for a trophy from 5,5 kg and up

Fallow deer zloty 2.300,-
+ 1.500,- zloty for a trophy up to 2,6 kg
+ 3.000,- zloty for a trophy from 2,6 kg and up

Sika zloty 5.500,-
+ 1.000,- zloty for a trophy up to 2,0 kg
+ 2.500,- zloty for a trophy of 2,0 kg and above

Roe deer zloty 2.000,-
+ 1.000,- zloty for a trophy up to 430 g (brutto)
+ 5.000,- zloty for a trophyvof 430 g and above

Wild boar zloty 2.300,-
Mouflon zloty 1.800,-
Other game zloty 1.000,-

Game shot within the hunting season but without permission of the hunting leader has to be paid according to the trophy price list + a punishment of 100%.
Since it is a violation of a law, the Polish organizers are also required to report the accident to the police. However, there is no need to panic. Even though the law is very strict and the results of a possible “accident” should not be made light of, the organizers will nevertheless do their utmost to minimize the damage. However, it is very important to take this law into serious consideration when shooting roe deer on driven and small driven hunts. Always check an extra time before shooting.

In connection with hunts on whichallowed to shoot wild boar, we have a humble request – PLEASE AVOID SHOOTING SOWS WHENEVER POSSIBLE. As hunters, we all have a common interest in maintaining a good, strong and sustainable population of this splendid animal.
Therefore, if on an individual hunt, please inform your hunting guide that you do not wish to shoot sows – and on driven hunts please check an extra time before you fire your rifle.

If you succeed in shooting your stag/stags (according to what has been agreed) at the beginning of your hunting trip, it will often be possible to shoot wild boar. However, this must be arranged with our office before your departure. (Price as well as number of game)

Whether you have chosen a fixed price arrangement, with the trophies included, or you have booked a price list arrangement, you must pay extra if you shoot any game which is not included in the arrangement you have booked. The voucher sent to you before departure will clearly show the allowed game. The only additional game  not mentioned on the voucher, which you are normally allowed to shoot is fox (hunting-season 1/6-31/3) It is free to shoot a fox, but if you want to buy the pelt, the price is €22,90, to be paid after your return. If, during your stay, you decide to take an additional hunting day or extra game, this can normally be arranged. Please note that hides are not included in the price. 

As a rule, all transportation to, in, and from the hunting area is not included in the price. However, on the driven hunts, transportation within the hunting area is included in the price. If you use the vehicles provided by the hunting service during your stay, we can inform you that a drive with a horse drawn carriage costs €14,- per hour, and if you use a car it costs between €35-55,- / PLN 150-232,- per hunter per day. This will be charged to you after your return from Poland, based on the hunting report (protocol), signed by you in Poland.

Before you depart from the hunting area, you will be required to sign a hunting report (protocol) (in Polish “Protocol z polowania”). In this hunting report (protocol), everything you have shot/wounded, weight or length of trophies, arrival- and departure time, hours used in the vehicles of the hunting service etc. will be entered. In your own interest, please check that the text in the hunting report (protocol) corresponds exactly to the services you have received. Your signature is binding, and a possible later invoice from us is based on this hunting report (protocol). If you have bought a fixed price arrangement, it is still very important that you check that the trophy size written in the hunting report (protocol) is correct, as this will greatly influence the  price level fixed-price hunts for the following year.

In the hunting report (protocol), there is a space where you may make your own remarks. It is important that any possible disagreements between you and the hunting organizers is entered in this space. Please also file any complaint you may have i regarding the arrangement in Poland to us. If you fail to do so, possible complaints will not be accepted in Poland, and consequently it will be extremely difficult for us to help you. IN ADDITION, REMEMBER: You are 100% responsible for what is written into the protocol when you sign it.

If nothing else has been agreed, our clients will be accommodated in twin-bedded rooms. For accommodation in single rooms  a supplement of €18,- per night is payable. If you book individually, and if you are alone in the district, you will automatically be charged for a single room, even if you have not booked one. If, during your stay, you are given a single room, and if you sign the hunting report (protocol) to that effect, you will be charged the supplement, irrespective of the reason why you obtainied a single room.
BREAK OF STAY: If, for any reason, clients cancel part of their booked stay, NO refund will be made for unused services.

When hunting aboard, you represent the hunters of your country. The people you meet will naturally judge the standard of hunters from your country, from the way you behave. Fortunately, LIMPOPO hunters are generally welcome, and we would very much like this to continue, so we urge you to maintain calm and dignity in any crisis or disagreement.

As you have probably heard, car theft and theft from cars is still a problem in Poland as in others countries. We would therefore urge you, in your own interest, to show the utmost caution when parking your car – even if only for a short time. Whenever possible you should use car parks with an attendant, often located near large hotels. Never park in side streets or in badly lit areas. Only park in streets with heavy traffic or in squares. We would also recommend that you install some kind of alarm system as well as a locking bar on the steering wheel.
PETROL: Petrol, including unleaded, can be bought in most of Polish towns. Normally you pay for this in zloty, but on most of the bigger gas stations, you can pay in Euro as well or with credit card.

If, contrary to all expectations, any problems should arise during your stay, which you feel unable to solve yourself, please contact us either by phone – 0045 62 20 25 40 or fax – 0045 62 20 25 42, during office hours. As we have already informed, it is too late to correct any misunderstanding or faults after your return home. Therefore, it is vital that you contact us immediately, if problems arise, in order that we may correct any misunderstanding on the spot. It is only possible for us to react to complaints, brought to our attention immediately and entered into Polish hunting report (protocol).

LIMPOPO has established an emergency telephone service, whereby our clients can reach us 24 hours a day – 7 days a week – and talk to a competent member of our staff. We would like to stress that this service is intended for emergency calls only, where contact with LIMPOPO or next of kind is vital. Please feel free to use this line, when necessary, but please also avoid any unnecessary calls - +45 30 26 25 40.

As this changes all the time, please check, what is allowed from your country.

We always appreciate hearing from you after your return home. It is of the utmost importance for us to know, what happens “out there”. This is the only way; we can develop and possibly improve our hunting tours. Therefore – whether you wish to praise or criticize – please let us hear from you! We hope, the above answers all the questions; you naturally have before the trip. Should you need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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