Practical information for Namibia

Visa and passport
Please note that your passport has to be valid for at least 6 months counting from the day you leave Namibia again.

No visa for Namibia is required for a number of EU citizens. But please check with your nearest Namibian Embassy on see on the link below if your country is exempted from applying for a visa
in advance. It is your own responsibility to do so.

We will need your passport no. and details concerning your weapon. You are therefore requested to fill in the questionnaire and return it, thereby enabling us to fill in the English form, which you will need upon arrival in Namibia. We draw your attention to the fact that the flight companies are allowed to charge a handling fee when you are travelling with weapons. The fee (approx. € 40 per weapon) varies from one company to another.

Children under 18 years - important information when travelling with children to Namibia 

Please contact your own physician in due time for information about any necessary preventive treatment.

Trophy fees etc. are settled in Euro. Payment of trophy fees is done directly to the outfitter, preferably in travellers' cheques or cash. Visa card is accepted most places in Namibia, except on the farm.

Travel Documents
Flight tickets and other documents will be sent to you 10-14 days before departure.

Clothes etc.:
In general, we would recommend lightweight clothing, either made of cotton or similar fabric, which allows the body to “breathe”. From May to September it can be rather cold in the mornings
and in the evenings and we therefore recommend you to bring an extra woollen cardigan. Furthermore we recommend the following:

  • 1 wide brimmed hat
  • 1 pair of sunglasses
  • 1 torch (with extra batteries)

Sun tan lotion, lip balm, vaseline for the nose because of the dry air, malaria tablets, tablets against diarrhoea, mosquito spray and a couple of sterile syringes. You should also bring a good pair of
binoculars and a camera with plenty of films.

And remember - max. 20 kg free luggage in the plane.

Please note that in case of cancellation you will receive a voucher for the price of the trip.

From our hunters we are very interested in receiving photos, which possibly can be used in connection with offers and our annual catalogue appearing at the end of the year. We would very
much like to receive the photos as soon as possible after your return. If your pictures are used in the catalogue, you will receive € 65,- per photo. The amount will be credited your Limpopo Travel
account and may be used on your next trip.

Please note the importance of where the picture is taken, which means that it is best photographing for example the shot animal in the nature and not in front of a house, a Landrover, a fence etc.

Problem solving
If, contrary to expectations, any problem should arise during your stay, which you feel unable to solve yourself, please contact us either by phone +45 62 20 25 40, or by fax +45 62 20 25 42
during office hours (Mon-Fri 09.00-17.00). It is too late to correct any misunderstanding or fault after your return home.

Therefore it is vital that you contact us immediately, if problems arise, in order that we may correct any misunderstanding on the spot. It is only possible for us to react on complaints brought to our
attention immediately and entered into the protocol.

Emergency Phone
Limpopo Travel has established an emergency telephone service, which enables our clients to get in contact with a competent member of our staff after office hours, 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
However, this service is intended for emergency calls only, where contact with Limpopo Travel or a next of kin is vital. Please feel free to use the line when absolutely necessary, but we ask you kindly to avoid any unnecessary calls. +45 30 26 25 40.

After your Return
We would be very pleased to hear from you, after you have returned home. It is of great importance for us to know what happens "out there". This is the only way, we can develop and possibly
improve our hunting tours. Therefore - whether you wish to praise or criticise - please let us hear from you!

We hope that the above information answers some of the many questions, which you naturally might have before your trip. Should you need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Hunting season
In Namibia it is allowed to hunt from February to November.

Successful hunting
The safari company points out that despite the very good hunting districts, the best possible equipment, and the skilled and professional hunters, trackers, and skinners, the weather, the wind,
your luck as well as individual abilities will always influence the result. HUNTING IS HUNTING! A good physical condition is recommendable, and so is some rifle practising.

Weapon transport
Weapons should be carried in a solid hard case. Ammunition and bolt must not be carried in the rifle case, but in another luggage, which must be checked in (therefore not in the hand luggage).

PLEASE NOTE; it is no longer legal to transport ammunition in original packing. All ammunition must be kept in a lockable ammunition box to be checked in separately with own baggage tag.
For daily use while in the field, we would suggest that you bring a soft rifle case to protect the rifle.

PLEASE NOTE; when travelling to Namibia via Johannesburg in South Africa, the ammunition must be kept in a lockable METAL ammunition box. Please bring your EU weapon passport if you are an EU citizen.

A rifle, cal. 30-06 or similar may be used, but a larger calibre is recommended if available - 8 x 68S, 375 or similar. Please note that test shooting should be made at approx. 150 m. Furthermore it
is not permitted to use full or semi-automatic weapons in Namibia. Please bring your EU weapon passport if you are an EU citizen.

We would recommend you to bring 30-40 cartridges with biggest possible bullet weight. Please note that you can not bring more than 80 cartridges into Namibia.

Only a limited amount of clothing is necessary since there is a laundry service. For mornings and evenings which can be rather cool we recommend that you bring some warm and windproof
clothes. Furthermore we recommend the following:

  • Light stalking boots
  • 2 pair of long socks
  • 2 shirts
  • 1 sweater
  • 2 pair of long and 2 pair of short trousers
  • 1 warm wind jacket or hunting jacket
  • 1 hat with a wide brim, which covers the back of your neck
  • 2 sets of underwear
  • 1 pair of leather-gloves (to be used when crawling)
  • Travel and leisure wear
  • 1 pair of shorts/bathing trunks
  • 1 pair of slippers

Trophy deposit
In agreement with our hunting partners in Namibia, we kindly request that you make a trophy deposit approx. 1 week before you go to Namibia. This trophy deposit will be adjusted when you are back home again. Then you don´t have to bring a lot of cash to pay for the trophy fees directly in Namibia. When you know approx. what you are going to shot, you just transfer this amount to our account – but as mentioned earlier, it is fine to do this approx. 1 week prior to departure. After the hunt, we will receive a statement from our hunting partner, and according to this we will invoice for the trophies taken, and hold it against the paid trophy deposit. If you have paid too much, will we of course refund the difference, and if you have paid too little, you will receive an additional invoice.

Trophy import
If you wish to hunt game, which is protected by the Washington Convention, you should contact your local authorities PRIOR to departure regarding any necessary formalities in connection with
the import to your own country. The responsibility for these formalities rests solely with the hunter, and we recommend you to contact either a taxidermist or a forwarding agent.

During the last couple of years, the rules and formalities concerning trophy import have been tightened up. The whole area regarding trophies has become more complicated, and we have heard
about hunters whose trophies were confiscated in customs because some permits or formalities were not satisfactory. For certain game species it is of crucial importance that advance import licence has been applied for PRIOR to departure; otherwise the trophy will be rejected.

We therefore strongly recommend that you contact either a taxidermist or maybe even better a forwarding agent in due time before your hunting trip, also in case you intend to bring home the trophies yourself.

Trophy export from Namibia
Please note that Namibia has a law concerning minimum measurements of trophies for export.

Species Total points
Greater Kudu 277
Oryx 195
Blue Wildebeest 150
Black Wildebeest 154
Red Hartebeest 109
Steenbuck 23
Warthog (longest tooth) 25
Springbuck 87
Eland 173
Impala 109
Blesbuck 87
Duiker 23

Exceptions, when the animal is of high age


It is always difficult to give an exact amount, because it depends on your satisfaction with the  guides and staff. Nevertheless tipping of Camp Staff is expected and hereby we give some guidelines: For the whole camp Staff Euro 50-100 is normal. You can for instance give the money to the owner and he or she will then split it between the staff. Please also remember the trackers and skinners. The professional guide is more difficult, but an amount around Euro 150 for a 5-7 day hunt can be recommended.

Please do not under any circumstances give any cash to the staff during your stay. If you feel some reward is appropriate, a packet of cigarettes will always be welcome. 

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