Practical information for Hungary

Import of rifle:
On arrival in Hungary you have to pay a fee of HUF 3.000,- (= € 13,-). But only if you are NOT from an EU–Country - to get the above mentioned ”licence for import of hunting weapon”. Please remember to go through the “red exit” at customs. Bow hunters: Please follow the same procedure.

EU-citizens must bring EU weapon passport and show it at customs on request. (Important: It is no longer possible for EU-citizens to apply for a weapon import permit at the border, if you have forgotten your EU weapon passport). No papers have to be filled in.

Travel with children:
Entering Hungary children must now have their own passport. It is no longer enough that they are entered in their parents passport.

In the district:
You will receive the following documents:
Hungarian Hunting Licence
The protocol in triplicate

Before departure from the district the protocol/hunting report with all relevant information will be worked out. Services received in the district and trophies taken. If you have any comments/complaints about the hunt, you must put them in the protocol. If you fail to do so, we cannot discuss it with the organizers and a complaint will not be accepted. You must also remember
to sign the protocol, as that is the way of confirming the correctness of items being put in the protocol.

Price list:
We have previously forwarded the pricelist for the district to you. If there are things you are in doubt about, please contact us immediately. Please also be informed that if you have booked a
trophy of a certain size, you must accept a variation of +/- 15%.

Trophy measuring:
Will take place in each county. (Some counties have several offices, and a few districts have their own trophy measuring office). The district/our partner in Hungary will inform you about the nearest
office. The official measuring is necessary in order to get final documents for export of trophies taken. We kindly inform you that a measurement before you leave cannot be guaranteed, especially
not if a trophy is being taken on the last day of the hunt. If you have arrived in Hungary by plane, our partner will see to it that the trophy is shipped afterwards. The shipment will be on your

As in most other countries, you normally give your guide and other helping hands in the district a tip. Count on approx. € 15,- (US$ 15-20 per person per day). If you have achieved a “perfect”
trophy and if you in general have been highly satisfied a little extra tip will be very much appreciated.

Taxidermy work:
Please be informed that there are very strict rules for import of hunting trophies into the United States of America. We therefore strongly recommend, that your trophies are fully processed in
Hungary before shipment to the US. Our partner in Hungary will be able to assist you in this matter.

Export of trophies:
After having signed the protocol a customs document will be issued. The customs document must be given to customs on departure for stamping. If you fail to do so, the trophy will be handled
according to Hungarian rules on VAT and the final trophy price will be 25% higher.

Red Stag 1. September – 31. October
Cull Stag 1. September – 31. January
Red Hind 1. September – 31. January
Red deer calf 1. September – 28. February
Fallow Stag 1. October – 31. December
Cull Stag 1. October – 31. January
Doe 1. October – 31. January
Calf 1. October – 28. February
Roebuck 15. April – 30. September
Roe and Kid 1. October – 31. January
Muflon ram 1. September – 28. February
Muflon ewe 1. September – 28. February
Muflon lamb 1. September – 28. February
Wild boar/ keiler All year
Piglet All year
Yearling All year
Sow (over 50 Kg) 1. Juli – 31. January

93 030 km2 = 1% of the total area of Europe.

Republic: President László Sólyom.

Approx. 10 million.

Budapest, approx. 2 mill. inhabitants. The city consists of 23 districts (kerület ), which you can see as a Roman digit on all street signs, for instance Sutõ utca 2.

Hungarian, a Finnish/Ugrish language. Many people speak English or German.

Roman Catholic 65%, Calvinist 20%, Lutherans, Jews and Greek Orthodocs Catholics.

Temporary with a high rate of sunshine hours – approx. 2000 hours a year.

Middle European Time.

220 V

Phone Hungary
Country code: +36, area code for Budapest: 1.

From Hungary to USA or Britain
001 or 0044 + the number in the country.

In English: Budapest Sun and Budapest Week.

Bank Holidays
January 1st, March 15th (the Revolution in 1848), Easter Monday, May 1st, August 20th (Stephan’s Day, National day), October 23rd, (Uprising in 1956) , December 25th and 26th.).

A post card to Europe costs app. 0,50 EUR (expect 4-8 days delivery time).

In most shops you are able to pay with EUR, but you will get a bad exchange rate, and in small shops you will get Forinth back. It is therefore recommendable to bring a little Forinth to spend, where you are not able to pay with creditcards.

Budapest Airport
In Budapest airport there are two terminals: Ferihegy 2A og Ferihegy 2B (16 km South East of the city centre). Busses depart every 13th minutes to and from the Elisabeth-Square (V. Erzsébet ter) in the city centre. (A single ticket costs app. 4,- EUR). Airport Minibus Service takes you from the airport to any address in Budapest, and can also be booked to take you to the airport. In the airport you go to the Airport Minibus-desk, and the trip to the airport can be booked on phone no. 296-8555 (single journey costs app. 8,- EUR).

Budapest/ Local Traffic
Railway stations in Budapest: Déli pályaudvar (South, Keleti pályaudvar (East) og Nyugati pályaudvar (West). At all three stations there are also Subway stations. Budapest has an excellent public transport system med three subway lines, local trains and busses as well as trams. You can buy one- and three day tickets. Even outside Budapest there is a good public transport system. The busses cover a big part of the country and between the larger cities there are fast and comfortable trains (IC-trains).

Boat Traffic
In the summer time there are many excursion boats on the Daube. You can also go by boat on the Daube to Szentendre,Visegrád Esztergom and to Bratislave and Vienna.

Reliable taxi companies are: Buda-Taxi (phone.233-3333), City Taxi (211 11 11), Fõ-taxi (222 22 22), and Rádio Taxi (377 77 77). Still please be aware of the price, and try to agree on a fixed price with the chauffeur on beforehand.

Highway fees
If you drive to Hungary by car you must be aware that some countries demand you to pay a highway fee. The vouchers for that can be bought at gas stations and cost app. EUR 5,- per country per week.

In Hungary you also have to pay a fee on certain highways (starting with an M). Please turn to a gas station or a highway station.

Emergency phone:
Limpopo Travel/Diana have established an emergency telephone service, whereby our clients can reach us 24 hours a day - 7 days a week - and talk to a competent member of our staff.

We would like to stress that this service is intended for emergency calls only, where contact with Limpopo/Diana or a next of kin is vital. Please feel free to use this line, when necessary, but please
also avoid any unnecessary calls. ++45 30262540.

Comply with local customs:
You will get the best experiences if you meet your Hungarian hunting fellows with an open mind, and if you enjoy that everything isn’t as at home.

Possible misunderstandings:
If, contrary to expectations, any problems should arise during your stay, which you feel unable to solve yourself, please contact us either by phone - +45 62 20 25 40, during office hours (Monday-Thursday 08:30-17:00 and Friday 09:00-17:00) or by fax number: +45 62 20 25 42. As we have already informed, it is too late to correct any misunderstanding or faults after your return home.

Therefore, it is vital that you contact us immediately, if problems arise, in order that we may correct any misunderstanding on the spot. It is only possible for us to react on complaints brought to our
attention immediately and entered into the protocol.

Return home:
We ALWAYS appreciate hearing from you after your return home. it is of the utmost importance for us to know, what happens "out there". This is the only way, we can develop and possibly
improve our hunting tours. Therefore - whether you wish to praise or criticise - please let us hear from you!

We would always be very pleased to receive a nice photo from your hunt.

We hope that this will answer the questions you may have before the trip. Should you need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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