Practical information for Croatia

For entry to Croatia with weapon(s), you need a valid passport, EU weapon passport as well as your national hunting license.

By car:
You drive through Austria and Slovenia to whichever border crossing. Slovenia has been an EU member since 2004, so here you only need your EU weapon passport and travel passport. At the Croatian border you must declare your weapon(s), and a weapon permit (price € 45,-) will be issued. This permit must be handed in at your exit from Croatia.

By plane:
You arrive to the airport in Zagreb, Rijeka or another airport, and a temporary weapon permit will be issued (price € 45,-) and should be handed in again at your departure. CUSTOMS / CURRENCY
Items for personal use can be imported tax free. The official currency is Kuna (1 Kuna = 100 Lipa). Credit cards can be used everywhere.

In Croatia the VAT is 22%. You will pay this with your trophies, but it will be refunded at your departure by the export of the trophies. Our price on the trophies does not include VAT, whereas all services are included, so you will not get any surprises at the final settlement.

For calling Croatia is +385

The most important condition when choosing a weapon for the hunt is that you are confident with the one you take along. The best caliber is useless, if you cannot use it properly or cannot hit the target. LIMPOPO/DIANA needs copies of your travel passport, your hunting license and your EU weapon passport. The procedure for the import of your weapon is described above.

LIMPOPO/DIANA always recommends that you take at least 20 cartridges along. In principal, you should always make a test shot after a flight, as the scope might be out of focus. Rather take 19
cartridges back than missing them in the middle of the hunt.

The best way of transporting your weapon is in a solid rifle case and your ammunition also in a special ammunition box with separate room for each cartridge. The weapon must be handed over together with the luggage. Weapon, magazine and bolt must be kept separately. You can eventually put ammunition and bolt together with your clothes in your suitcase - NOT in your hand luggage. Weapon, parts of the weapon, scope, ammunition, knives and similar are NOT allowed in the hand luggage.

Luggage on the plane
You are allowed to bring a maximum of 20 kilos luggage on the plane (including your rifle), and 5 kilos of hand luggage in the cabin free. If more than 20 kilos of ordinary luggage is carried, you will be charged for the overweight.

The hunt
Before you go on the first stalk please tell what you expect from the hunt, trophy quality etc. We work with very professional guides, who will do what it takes to fulfill your wishes.

The accommodation usually takes place in Pension Val.

It is of course individual how much each hunter wants to tip the hunting guide, and not necessary at all. However the successful guide will always be happy to receive acknowledgment. You do not have to overdo it – in Croatia good tips for a successful hunt is approximately 30 - 100 EURO for the hunting guide.

Transportation of trophies to your own country
The trophies will be made ready for transportation to your own country in the hunting area. However, it is a good idea to bring a roll of strong tape for the packing. The trophies will be carried on the plane as ordinary luggage. You may have to pay for overweight, but this is the easiest, least expensive, and safest way of bringing home your trophies. If the wanted specie is protected by the Washington convention, and therefore demands CITES, you cannot bring the trophy on the flight. The trophy will be sent to you later because it takes a while to get the necessary export- and import certificates.

Im- and export of trophies
The necessary forms for export of trophies from Croatia will be given to you on the spot. You, and you alone, are responsible for the import of trophies to your own country. If in doubt, please check the CITES regulations. If you wish to hunt game, protected by the Washington Convention, you should contact your local authorities PRIOR to departure regarding any necessary formalities in connection with the import to your own country.

The responsibility for these formalities rests solely on the hunter, and we would recommend that you either contact a taxidermist or a shipping agent. These years there is constant a tightening of the regulations and formalities by import of trophies. The whole trophy import area has become more complicated and we have heard about hunters that have had their trophies confiscated at the customs because some licenses or formalities were not filled in correctly. Among other things we can mention that for certain species of game it is decisive that you have applied for import permission before departure or the trophy will be declined without exception. Therefore we strongly recommend you to contact a taxidermist or even better a forwarding agency
before departure, even if you intend to carry home the trophies yourselves.

Duty regulations
By import to your own country from Croatia, please check up yourselves on the regulations in force.

Please note that our travel and cancellation insurance also includes hunting liability. Since a hunting liability insurance is required for travel in Europe, you must have such an insurance. We assume that you have a valid hunting license, which is a condition for you being covered by the insurance. Please see the enclosed brochure. If you have to cancel, you will receive a voucher for the price of the trip. For those, who only wish to or are allowed to take out a cancellation insurance (for example Americans), please make sure to take out a hunting liability insurance on your own.

Possible Misunderstanding
If, contrary to expectations, any problems should arise during your stay, which you feel unable to solve yourself, please contact us either by phone +45 62 20 25 40, or by fax - +45 62 20 25 42, during office hours (Monday - Friday 08.00 - 17.00, Thursday 09.00-17.00). It is too late to correct any misunderstanding or faults after your return home. Therefore, it is vital that you contact us immediately, if problems arise, in order that we may correct any misunderstanding on the spot. It is only possible for us to react to complaints, brought to our attention immediately and entered into the hunting report (protocol).

Emergency telephone
LIMPOPO/DIANA have established an emergency telephone service, whereby our clients can reach us 24 hours a day - 7 days a week - and talk to a competent member of our staff. We would like to
stress that this service is intended for emergency calls only, where contact with LIMPOPO/DIANA is vital. Please feel free to use this line, when absolutely necessary, but please do also avoid any unnecessary calls. - ++45 30 26 25 40. If you are in an area where the telephone is not functioning, you still have the possibility of reaching us by fax (++45 62 20 25 42).

Return home
We always appreciate hearing from you after your return home. It is of the utmost importance for us to know, what happens "out there". This is the only way, we can develop and possibly improve our hunting tours. Therefore - whether you wish to praise or criticize - please let us hear from you! We hope, the above answers all the questions, you naturally have before the trip. Should you need
additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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