Practical Information for Cameroon


You are allowed 20 kg of luggage per person (30 kg for business class) and 1 piece of carry-on baggage weighing up to 8 kg, unless otherwise stated in your itinerary or flight ticket. Please note that airlines may charge a handling fee for transporting weapons (approximately €40 per weapon), which varies between companies. REMEMBER, sharp objects, knives, scissors, etc., are not allowed in carry-on baggage and must be packed in checked baggage.


Upon arrival at Douala Airport, you will be met by a Mayo Oldiri Safaris representative who will assist you with customs clearance. Please bring 5 copies of your firearm import permit, your passport, and your visa, as this will facilitate customs procedures. The Mayo Oldiri representative is usually Ahmadou (tel. +237 99 978858). Another contact person is Marco (tel. +237 99 935067). Raquel Reguera can be reached at tel. +34 6104 68455 and the professional hunter, PH, at tel. +88 216212 78877. Also, bring 2 passport photos if you may require an additional hunting license. Domestic flight to Garoua. Possible overnight stay in Douala before departure the next day. Upon arrival in Garoua, you will usually be driven directly to the camp, but if the flight is delayed or arrives late, be prepared for an overnight stay at a nice hotel in Garoua.


Equipment All vehicles are custom-built safari vehicles. The hunting camp consists of typical thatched cottages called "Boucarous." Each Boucarou accommodates 2 people and is well-equipped with comfortable beds protected against insects with spring mattresses. There are private showers and flush toilets. Additionally, there is a separate building with a dining area, bar, and lounge area.


Hunting starts daily before dawn and continues until sunset. Lunch is served either at the camp or in the hunting area. Regarding the hunt itself, game or promising tracks are usually located from the vehicle, after which stalking within shooting range is done. Occasionally, be prepared for long stalks lasting several hours. Trophies will be prepared at the camp and made ready for shipment home. The safari company also handles formalities regarding the export of trophies. However, always ensure that the cape from each trophy is also properly packed.

Hunting License

The professional hunter will have your hunting license ready upon arrival.

Hunting Success

Mayo Oldiri Safaris emphasizes that despite having excellent hunting areas, the best equipment available, and well-trained trackers and skinners, weather, wind, luck, and individual skills will always play a role. HUNTING is HUNTING! It is recommended to be in good physical condition and to have spent some time practicing with your rifle.


The trophy fee for shot game must, unless otherwise agreed, be paid on site after the safari. The organizer prefers Euros in cash or traveler's checks.

Wounded Game

Wounded game that is not found counts as shot game, and the normal trophy fee will be charged. If a female is mistakenly shot, an additional penalty of 100% of the normal trophy fee will be charged, as females are protected.


Visa and firearm permits are required for Cameroon. We can assist you with the paperwork.


We strongly recommend having cancellation and travel insurance and recommend European hunting travel insurance. Note that the travel insurance also covers hunting liability when you have a valid Danish hunting license. Additionally, consider insuring your hunting rifle, camera, video equipment, etc., through additional baggage insurance. See attached brochure.


Please consult your own doctor who can advise you on vaccinations required or recommended for Cameroon at your desired travel time. Vaccination against yellow fever is mandatory. We also strongly recommend vaccination against tetanus and hepatitis A. Additionally, starting preventive malaria treatment is advisable. However, consult your doctor for personalized advice.


Euros are accepted in major cities, hotels, and shops. Otherwise, Central African Francs are used. We suggest exchanging approximately 500 Euros for use at the airport, for possible overnight stays, etc. Upon departure, an airport tax equivalent to about 20 US$ must be paid. The Mayo Oldiri representative will assist with this.


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Although the camp is reasonably well-equipped with various first aid supplies, it is recommended to bring medication prescribed by your own doctor. REMEMBER: headache pills, anti-diarrheal tablets, elastic bandages, sunscreen and lip balm with a high SPF, antibiotics, salt tablets, a couple of disposable syringes, insect repellent, talcum powder, eye drops. A stick or spray to relieve itching from bites is also a good idea.


At the beginning of the season, nights are cold with cool, dry weather. Temperatures rise as the season progresses. Weather becomes hotter after mid-February, with temperatures ranging between 35 and 40 degrees Celsius, and it becomes quite dry.


We generally recommend lightweight cotton or similar fabric clothing that allows your body to "breathe." There's absolutely no need to go out and buy new clothes. Also, remember that daily laundry service is available. Camouflage clothing is allowed. Additionally, we recommend bringing the following:

2 pairs of long pants
2 pairs of shorts
2 long-sleeved shirts
2 short-sleeved shirts
1 pair of hunting boots
1 wind jacket (for cool mornings)
1 wool sweater or similar (for sitting and evenings at the camp)
1 pair of lightweight hunting shoes (canvas or leather - well worn-in)
1 pair of sneakers or sandals (for use in camp)
Miscellaneous personal clothing such as lightweight pajamas, socks, and underwear
1 wide-brimmed hat
2 pairs of sunglasses
Hunting knife
a flashlight (with extra batteries)
a lightweight binoculars


It is recommended to bring a high-caliber rifle. The minimum allowable caliber for large game is 9 mm. Many hunters find .375 Magnum to be a very good all-around weapon for both small and large game. The rifle should be transported in a sturdy rifle case. Ammunition and bolt must not be carried in the rifle case but should be placed in checked baggage. For daily use during the hunt, a soft rifle case is recommended for protection against dust, shock, etc. If you are an EU citizen, remember your EU Firearms Pass.


We recommend 50 rounds per hunter. The shooting distance will be approximately 100 m.

Trophy Import

We also note that if you wish to hunt wildlife covered by the Washington Convention, you must contact the Forest and Nature Agency, Wildlife Management Office, Haraldsgade 53, 2100 Copenhagen Ø, tel. 39 47 20 00 between 9-12, regarding necessary formalities for importing trophies into Denmark before departure. It is the hunter's responsibility to ensure the necessary permits, and it is recommended to contact a conservator or shipping company.

Shipping Companies

In this regard, we recommend Labrador Cargo, Ravnholtvej 57, 5853 Ørbæk, which, in our opinion, has extensive expertise in trophy imports. Ask for Marlen Jürgensen, who can be reached at tel. +45 51 95 25 17, WhatsApp +45 31 78 20 50, or

If you choose to import trophies yourself, please note that an import permit from the Veterinary Directorate is required for ALL trophies from third countries, even if fully and finally processed. This permit, along with the trophies, must be presented to the border veterinarian upon arrival in Denmark. Additionally, a veterinary certificate from the country of origin must be provided. The veterinarian should be informed in advance of the arrival of trophies in Denmark and on which flight. Contact by phone at 32 46 00 99.

Before Departure

Before you travel, please check the following: Double-check that the firearm make/caliber/number matches the information you have previously provided to LIMPOPO TRAVEL. Failure to do so may result in the loss of a hunting day if a new import license is required!


Tipping for camp staff is not mandatory but expected. We recommend approximately €300 per hunter for the entire camp staff, €400 for 1 hunter and a companion, and about €500 for the PH. Ultimately, the amount given is a personal choice.

Travel Documents

Flight ticket and itinerary will be sent approximately 10 days before departure.

First-time Travelers

During an international hunting trip, you represent your country's hunting population. The people you encounter will naturally judge a country's hunting population based on the hunters they meet from that country. LIMPOPO TRAVEL hunters have had a good reputation so far, and we attach great importance to maintaining it. Therefore, we encourage everyone to conduct themselves with dignity and calmness should any disagreements arise.

Misunderstandings If, contrary to expectations, problems of any kind arise during your stay that you do not feel able to resolve yourself, you can contact us during office hours (Monday-Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm) by fax at +45 6220 2542 or by phone at +45 6220 2540. It is too late to rectify any misunderstandings or errors after your return home. Therefore, it is extremely important that you notify us immediately if you encounter any insurmountable problems. Only in cases where we have been notified and

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